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Drawstring Goody/Gift Bags

6"x11" - Drawstring - Goody/Gift Bags - DOZEN - PRICED and PACKED.
6"x11" - Drawstring - Goody/Gift Bags - DOZEN - PRICED and PACKED.

Regular price: $24.00
Sale price: $14.28, 10/$130.80, 25/$297.00, 50/$534.00
6"x11" - Drawstring - Goody/Gift Bags - PIECE - PRICED.
6"x11" - Drawstring - Goody/Gift Bags - PIECE - PRICED.

Regular price: $3.00
Sale price: $1.50
8"x12" - Drawstring - Goody/Gift Bags - DOZEN - PRICED and PACKED.
8"x12" - Drawstring - Goody/Gift Bags - DOZEN - PRICED and PACKED.

Regular price: $26.00
Sale price: $14.88, 10/$136.80, 25/$312.00, 50/$564.00
8"x12" - Drawstring - Goody/Gift Bags - PIECE - PRICED.
8"x12" - Drawstring - Goody/Gift Bags - PIECE - PRICED.

Regular price: $3.00
Sale price: $1.60
9"x14" - Drawstring - Goody/Gift Bags - DOZEN - PRICED and PACKED.
9"x14" - Drawstring - Goody/Gift Bags - DOZEN - PRICED and PACKED.

Regular price: $28.00
Sale price: $15.48, 10/$142.80, 25/$327.00, 50/$594.00
9"x14" - Drawstring - Goody/Gift Bags - PIECE - PRICED.
9"x14" - Drawstring - Goody/Gift Bags - PIECE - PRICED.

Regular price: $3.00
Sale price: $1.70